About the Artist

Rave Bandong

I’m Rave Bandong, a young Traditional Catholic with a passion for the beauty and elegance found in traditional sacred art. I find the importance of beauty and its connection to the divine, critical and necessary. It is a necessity for art to be pure and true. Sacred beauty in its nature captivates and takes hold of the soul, in like manner, sacred art shall do the same. In such a manner that it fulfills its end, the magnification of the supreme good: God. Sacred beauty and sacred art are one. To distinguish an object to be an art is to express that this object exudes beauty. If an object dulls or nullifies the spirit, it is an error to claim for such an object to be art. It opposes the standards that it is defined. Art embodies the beauty in joy, sadness, suffering, death and the mundane of everyday life. For art is objectively bound to point to an even greater beauty, a meaning, a purpose that gives the soul delight and joy, tugging the soul to resonate a deep sense of devotion to the reality of the divine. The eyes are the windows to the soul, to glimpse beauty for one split second is an opportunity of grace one possesses to move one’s heart to a humble disposition to the truth, goodness, and undeniable beauty of God.

the Artist

  • Saint Michael the Archangel hand-painted scene flying amid the clouds with sword in hand, standing above Satan. Border decorated with flowers.

The Sacred Art Journey Begins

My passion for this timeless expression of spirituality started in April of 2022. Rev. Fr. McFarland, the prior of Our Lady of Sorrows, Phoenix, AZ, assigned me with the duty to paint on the priory’s Paschal Candle for that year. Overwhelmed and anxious with this responsibility I took it upon myself to settle not for mediocrity but rather with diligence and care that it edifies and inspires the souls of the faithful. Thus I looked upon Saint Luke, the patron saint of artists of the present and past, patron of the guilds and artisans that have looked upon Saint Luke for intercession for the grace of a humble disposition and gratitude in partaking in this heavenly privilege and gift. A carefully painted object that gives all glory to Christ Jesus and His beloved Mother. Every stroke of the paint brush being a cognizant act of devotion to God in every detail. Sacred art is no mere decoration, its duty is to edify and inspire, drawing man into contemplation away from himself and to the reality of what is above him: Heaven, his last end.

  • “Genuine sacred art draws man to adoration, to prayer, and to the love of God, Creator and Savior, the Holy One and Sanctifier.”

    Catechism of the Catholic Church 2502

  • “The Church has not adopted any particular style of art as her very own; … provided that it adorns the sacred buildings and holy rites with due reverence and honor;”

    Sacrosanctum Concillium 123

  • “All artists ... should ever bear in mind that they are engaged in a kind of sacred imitation of God the Creator, and are concerned with works destined to be used in Catholic worship, to edify the faithful, and to foster their piety and their religious formation.”

    SC 127

  • “Quality is evident in the honesty and genuineness of the materials that are used, the nobility of the form embodied in them, the love and care that goes into the creation of a work of art, and the personal stamp of the artist whose special gift produces a harmonious whole, a well crafted work.”

    BLS ch. 3

Give honor unto Luke Evangelist;
For he it was (the aged legends say)
Who first taught Art to fold its hands and pray.
Till morning setting till death we wait
O Madonna of fair love, increase our faith.
Fleeting pleasures our souls distaste,
to soulless love, our hearts unchaste.
Deliver us thence O Mother most blest
to thy dear Son held close to thy breast.

O Mother of beauty, O Mother most pure
be to us a Mother we humbly implore.
From Gabriel’s Ave to thee adored,
knelt before thy image Blessed Luke set forth,
to remember thee as Mother

Rave Bandong
Verselet to Our Lady and Saint Luke.

In a world that often feels disjointed, lost and without faith nor beauty, the allure of true sacred art and images should be our pillar in distress! Such an art as sacred as Our Lady of the Pillar. A pillar, an art that symbolizes a bridge that connects between Heaven and Earth and a structure of firm support. Sacred art has a similar effect. Our Lady being the greatest pillar of all and mediatrix for man to God, may we turn to her always. The Blessed Virgin Mary, our solace in distress and mother of all consolation. Ad Maiorem Matris Gloriam.“For the greater glory of the Mother.”

Sancte Luca, Ora Pro Nobis.

Message from the Artist